
(Val Kilmer, Amick Byram): Born to a Hebrew woman during a time when all male babies were to be thrown into the Nile, Moses was rescued by the Queen of Egypt and raised a prince. When he finds out the truth, however, Moses leaves his princely ways to become a prophet of God and delivers his Hebrew brothers from the tyranny of Egypt.


(Ralph Fiennes): Crual and stubborn, Rameses was born the heir to the Egyptian throne. Afraid of becoming the "weak link" his father warns him about, Rameses stubbornly refuses to free the Hebrew slaves even after God sends multiple plagues upon his land including one that costs him his first born son.


(Michelle Pfeiffer): Moses' wife and mother to his children, she is strong and musically inclined as evidenced by her duet with Mirium, "When You Believe."


(Danny Glover, Brian Stokes Mitchell): Moses' father-in-law when he marries Tzipporah, Jethro's daughter. His wise and kind side (he seems to have no other) shines through in his song, "Through Heaven's Eyes."

Pharoh Seti

(Patrick Stewart): Cruel and oppressive, the pharoh of Egypt is also proud and powerful. He rules Egypt with an iron fist.


(Sandra Bullock, Sally Dworsky): After witnessing the departure of her baby brother as a child, she grew just as oppressed as all Hebrews and filled with hope that her young brother would return to her and deliver them too. Eventually, she is able to give Moses knowledge of his true heritige.


(Helen Mirren, Linda Dee Shayne): She discovered Moses as an infant and raised him in the royal ways to be a prince of Egypt just as her own son, Rameses.


(Jeff Goldblum): Since I have not yet seen the film (I am peicing these character descriptions together from various press releases, including the official site, the soundtrack, and of course the actual bible) I cannot speak for certain about Aaron since, in the biblical scriptures it is he, not Moses, who is strong and eloquant that does Moses' handywork in freeing the Hebrews. However, Tzipporah's line "You're just one man" as well as Moses' body language seem to indicate that Dreamworks gave Moses the strong role and so Aaron's character is yet unknown.

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